Lorena Weder

Game Developer - AR/VR - Installations

Hi! I'm Lorena, I'm a software developer with 10 years of experience working on games, Android and iOS apps, VR/AR, and interactive installations, mainly using Unity and C#.

My experience ranges from prototyping ideas and working on the core logic and gameplay programming, to doing the UI visual set up and animations by code, developing custom tools, handling integrations with backend APIs, implementing local network messaging for physical installations, and the less common applications of Unity outside of games. I love collaborating with people from different disciplines, and I'm a huge fan of game jams as a creative outlet in particular.

Where to find me

Physically, I'm currently based in Spain. Virtually, you can check out my work experience or message me on LinkedIn, find examples of my code on GitHub, play my games for Global Game Jam (for which I've been a site co-organizer several years at work), and if you're curious, venture into my past as a multimedia designer and 3d modeler on Behance.

The random facts

Outside of work I like to travel, watch too many tv-shows and movies, attend festivals (mainly ones with f: food, film, fantasy), explore nearby cities on the weekends, play DnD, and when the season is right, I love to ice-skate whenever possible (I used to play ice-hockey and really miss it).